We at SRK we are committed to building the quality foundations that support, inspire, and enhance effective, innovative business applications. We aim to provide our clients end-to-end consulting, technology and outsourcing services across the IT spectrum. We create phenomenal synergy by enabling and improving businesses through custom business solutions through software design, development and implementation.

Our flexible engagement model allows us to tailor services and structure relatioship to meet specific client needs across a focused range of capabilities including Mobile Application Development Cloud Computing, Healthcare IT services and Infrastructure management services with special focus on the Infrastructure services.

Success is about making the right connections between people, solutions and objectives. With SRK, you can take a strategic approach to boosting performance through an optimal mix of internal staff, outside consulting resources and project outsourcing. And because we take the time to properly understand the needs of our clients and candidates, we can help them make exceptional connections and achieve greater levels of success. Yes, the world of technology is a complex place. But from our perspective, we can help you clearly see where you want to go.